Thursday, January 8, 2009

Ascendo tuum


For once I'm gonna let you find out what ascendo tuum means...

See in life, you'll have a group I affectionately call the dandelions:)
ah yes, them flowers which clog your nostrils with them pollen and irritate your eyes. Dandelions are carried off as the wind washes it away. Anonymity is something a dandelion possesses as no one ever knows which plant it came from, but once the plant has grown, we all bear witness to how fucked up it can turn out to be and have our suspicions on who the culprit was.

yeah i'm speaking in riddles, to sum things up, some people choose to remain anonymous while taking low pot shots. let me address you personally you TICK. You can suck the blood of a lion, and leave a scab on his torso, but you're so puny, he chooses to resist even scratching you. And the day you figure out how insignificant your contribution is to this world, I would take my applause with great pride. So yes, I should be ashamed of myself for letting a tick take a morsel of my sovereign blood. Little did i know I was even bitten. But being the self declared defender of the meek, you shall come back and read this post. Yes, you shall come back and read this post on my blog, for you are a sad puny tick that relies on my blood to survive. Do me a favour and stay off my turf:)
Pest control isn't what i applied for:)

I bid you adieu
ascendo tuum:)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

up your's eh?