Friday, July 11, 2008

truckload of fresh crap

Dr Azly Rahman

To Malaysian music fans -- is Black Metal a threat to our mental security?
Written by Super Admin
Thursday, 10 July 2008


Dr. Azly Rahman

[The incident at the PR gathering I saw on video prompt me to invite all of you for a dialogue. I am still searching for answer to the culture of underground music in Malaysia. Below is my proposition, written some time ago, for us to begin the discussion.]

I thought that after The Rolling Stones, rock and roll will no longer evolve to its most "dangerous" form. I was wrong. Listen to these two pieces of music here and here.

Can you understand the lyrics and figure out where the harmony? What images come to your mind?

Now, read the entry below:

"The black metal scene gained some unsought mass media attention in 1991 when Mayhem's frontman Dead (left) committed suicide by a shotgun blast to his head. His note simply read "Excuse all the blood". The ammunition was supplied by Varg Vikernes.

"His body was discovered by Aarseth who, instead of calling the police, ran to a nearby convenience store and bought a disposable camera which he used to photograph the corpse for a future Mayhem album cover (Dawn of the Black Hearts). Apocryphal reports also claim that he then took some pieces of Dead's splattered brains and made a stew out of them and/or members of the band took bone fragments from their friend's skull and made necklaces out of them."

So reads two paragraphs from Wikipedia, on the beginning of Death Metal music.

Is our youth listening to more "mentally dangerous" music, such as Death Metal and Black Metal? Are their brains being fried by the fast, rhythmic, unsophisticated music with lyrics that glorify death, depression, and destruction? Who are its fans and fanatics? Why is this para-demonic music becoming a paralysis to our youth culture?

Educators, parents, and policymakers – why is our youth taking this dangerous path to freedom and creativity?

Threat to mental security?

Let us talk about the issue of alternative music in Malaysia – of Death/Black Metal and its threat to mental security. How could the Metallist go to the masjid, the Hindu temple, the Christian church, the Buddhist wat, or the Sikh temple and focus on the ultimate reality when their consciousness is already abducted and imprisoned by demonic forces?

Without playing any Death/Black Metal CD backwards, we can clearly analyse the messages behind the music. We need to understand the language that shapes this genre.

Death/Black Metal fans do not actually need to do "devil worship" – they are already possessed by terminologies that glorify the devil and the demonic. There is hope for them to repent and to "de-evolve" into ethical human beings with real human consciousness.

In the process of glorifying the sight, sound, and symbolism of the demonic, these predominantly Malay youth do not realise that they are also being bought by the international record companies that sell cultural junk to these youth who do not understand not only meanings in the lyrics but also the names of the bands. Poor command of the English language will also facilitate this mentally-fatal misunderstanding. They simply do not have any idea what the language of their music means, let alone the neuro-linguistic impacts on their personalities.

But first, let me do a quick linguistic analysis to prove that these lovers of demonic music are actually glorifying unholy death instead of celebrating the beauty of life. Educators well-versed in the translation can do similarly with other examples.

Look at these words that chronicle the development of this brand of music of the demons. It does not take a Noam Chomsky or a Jacques Lacan fan to analyse the nature of language that our youth, especially the Malays, are possessing themselves with and are loving the act and the art of unsophisticated music and do not add value to even the history of rock and roll.

Below are some of the names of Western Death Metal bands that our Malaysian fans are listening to and perhaps worshiping. I have provided a loose translation to each.

Atheist = Si Ateis/Manusia Yang Tak Percaya Keujudan Illahi
Autopsy = Pembedahan Keatas Si Mati
Carcass = Bangkai Binatang
Death = Kematian
Entombed = Di Batu-Nisan kan
Morbid Angel = Si Malaikat Jahanam
Napalm Death = Kematian di sebabkan Bom Napalm (di gunakan di Perang Vietnam)
Obituary = Notis Kematian di Akhbar
Possessed = Di Rasuk
Suffocation = Tercekik Lalu Mati Lemas

Source: Wikipedia

Below are some of the names of Black Metal groups. I invite Malaysian linguists to help check the accuracy of translated words below to be read to the fans of these new genre of "creatively nihilistic" music.

Venom = Bisa
Hellhammer = Penukul Neraka
Bulldozer = Bulldozer
Mayhem = Keganasan dan Kehancuran
Darkthrone = Singahsana Kegelapan
Enslaved = Di Perhambakan
Immortal= Tanpa Kematian

You can explore more of these names in this site. In addition to the glorification of the demonic aspect of humanity and the naming of groups based on such pride, some of the titles in the track of a popular groups elaborate the nature of anti-humanity. Lyrics from an album by the group Masacra (translated as Pembunuhan Kejam yang Berleluasa), for example, provide such imagery:

1. Enjoy the Violence
2. Ultimate Antichrist
3. Gods of Hate
4. Atrocious Crimes
5. Revealing Cruelty
6. Full of Hatred
7. Seas of Blood
8. Near Death experience
9. Sublime Extermination
10. Agonising World

Another example of tracks the group Morbid Angel (translated as Malaikat Jahanam) reflect the following:

1. Invocation/Chapel Of Ghouls
2. Unholy Blasphemies
3. Angel Of Disease
4. Azagthoth
5. The Gate/Lord Of All Fevers and Plague
6. Hell Spawn
7. Abominations
8. Demon Seed
9. Welcome To Hell

Source: Anus

Culture of trash?

Death and Black Metal Malaysian music represents the advancement of the development of "trash culture" that continue to plague society that is already plagued with all forms of corruption. This "Metal" culture do not have a sense of authenticity nor peaceful and liberating dimension to its foundation. It preys upon those who themselves are lost through the social and educational system – those who had fallen through the cracks of an unfairly meritocratic system that often put the death spell on children's intelligence.

The proliferation of the culture of trash is one way for consumer capitalism to divide, conquer, and victimise our youth. It is a by-product of our open-sky policy and largely our five-year economic plans that cultivate all forms of underground culture and subculture – cultures of resistance that actually do not add value to the advancement of an ethical civilisation.

Our society will arrive at a juncture whereby the elders are no more to be respected, the "demonic aspects" of music such as in Black and Death Metal will continue to shape and hegemonise public discourse and the extreme excesses of modernisation will rear their ugly heads and adorn our mental and cultural landscape. The vehicle for this path of "progress" will be the economic and political ideology that subdivides people into "post-industrial tribes" ready to be consumed by market forces.

We have therefore developed a set of "subcultures" that are trashy in nature – from the way we conduct our politics to how we shop and play to the form of leisure we engage in. These are consequences of the corruption of the political, economic, and moral fibres that are designed by those who owns the means of political-economic and socio-cultural production and control.

We, as well as our youth of today and tomorrow are the recipients of the "gifts of this Malaysian nation of plenty" – including the youth that are school drop-outs, at risks, incarcerated and those who are enjoying the glories of demonic music.

Only re-education and the re-thinking of our cultural policy will help devise ways to design strategies that will bring us closer to a utopia based on the true meaning of republicanism and socialism that bring meaning to the word "humanism".

The world of many of our dispossessed Malay youth is a world of metal made of black and dead souls. They must start listening to kronchong, ghazal, and the Indian ragas! They must start looking at the larger picture of oppression and dehumanisation. Or begin with New Age, Baroque, or Classical music for relaxation and the enhancement of the capacities of the cerebral cortex.

But who will guide them through this siratul-mustaqim or the noble or peaceful path of human evolution? Are they being exploited by others, in the name of creativity and revolution they do not yet quite understand? While the lyrics sound revolutionary, the means of performing them manifests insanity. Is this brand of youth "protest movement" going haywire and being capitalized by those who owns the means of controlling their wild and savage sense of creativity?

Educators, unite – you have nothing to lose except your own children and grandchildren to the chains of the Black/Death metallists. Time for PETRONAS to help finance bands and orchestras in our public schools before our youth produce more demonic music.


And so goes the article by this self proclaimed Dr. Ok for the pseudo metal heads who were until recently pop or hiphop or trance or punk rock music loving fakes who just think listening to metal is cool because it makes you look mean, this might be acceptable. (by the way I'm trying my best to point you out. You know who you are as you're reading this. bloody fake. just cos you talk bout a few bands that you know of and go to one of their gigs doesn't make you a metal head, you PHONEY) My roommate Lalang knows who I'm talking about:) Back to lalang- today he got annoyed when i called him lalang. well if you wanna be a spineless bastard and not own up to the fact that you did stab me in the back then you deserve to be called lalang. i URGE everyone to call Dinesh aka my roommate Lalang. its a personal favour to me. he needs to be taught that you need to be accountable for your actions. See the problem with lalangs are that they keep forgetting sooner or later someone is gonna come to sickle them off.. that someone here is me. So this lalang's problem is he needs attention. He has been a sidekick all his life and he wants a sense of belonging that is missing. but his method of getting that self respect by being everyone's informant/bitch should be punished and hence I'm doing so. Today like a retard he chose to repeat whatever i said and called me a vagina in Tamil. Yes, he is defensive and not very witty or bright at that:) . which is why it is only right to straighten him out:) SO pls, as a favour:)

anyway enough with the personal vendettas. 4 people approached me questioning my decision to skip my literature class today, and i told them Sean Kingston is the biggest insult to the mind of a literate. Now anyone willing to argue with me on this point, my blog has an anonymous commenting column so go ahead. Mervin for one thought an Iron Maiden song 'The Number of the Beast' which discusses the trials and tribulations faced in this world and not how to go to hell, would've been a better choice. Big Up Mervin- at least one guy in class i know shares my views. Now if someone dissed Sean Kingston i wont give a shit. but this is metal. so let me begin with a line from this Iron maiden Song called Revelations

O God of earth and altar
Bow down and hear our cry
Our earthly rulers falter
Our peolple drift and die
The walls of gold entombe us
The swords of scorn divide
Take not thy thunder from us
But take away our pride
(g. k. chesterton: english hymn al)- this verse was taken from a famous quote by GK Chesterton- an early 19th century poet, writer and journalist)

Just a babe in a black abyss
No reason for a place like this
The walls are cold and souls cry out in pain
An easy way for the blind to go
A clever path for the fools who know
The secret of the hanged man - the smile on his lips

The light of the blind youll see
The venom that tears my spine
The eyes of the nile are opening - youll see

She came to me with a serpents kiss
As the eye of the sun rose on her lips
Moonlight catches silver tears I cry
So we lay in a black embrace
And the seed is sown in a holy place
And I watched and I waited for the dawn

The light of the blind youll see
The venom that tears my spine
The eyes of the nile are opening - youll see

Bind all of us together
Ablaze of hope and free
No storm or heavy weather
Will rock the boat youll see
The time has come to close your eyes
And still the wind and rain
For the one who will be king
The watcher in the ring
It is you
- the rest of this song is actually an adaptation of a book by Aleister Crowley an Occultist, Writer, Mountaineer, Poet, and yogi. Read up more about him on wikipedia at your own expense

Now this is art, this is something worth reading. in fact my infatuation with art started while i was reading lyrics by Iron Maiden.

Now views of great writers of the 20th century are deemed satanic/demonic by this clown Dr Azly. Haih... the idiots we face today.
but Maybe just maybe i got lucky. so lets try another song.

Hmmm lets say we tryin this song called Thorns of crimson death by Dissection (lead singer commited suicide)

[Lyrics: Nödtveidt]

See the plains lie ghastly silent as being frozen in time
A place of distress where evil still lies vigilant enshrined
Years that passed are now centuries and forgotten seem the
fallen ones
But on lived the memories in the spirits of a battle sons

Hear the choirs
Is it the wind that brought back their cries?
Once forged in blood by tragedy
Sharp were the thorns of crimson death

Through the air again our voices whisper
and awake are now your eyes
For too long closed in slumber - but death didn't prove our
By ages so dark we've been sculptured
as fragments of story and tales
As we haunt we are endlessly captured
and shrouded in the wind that here wails

Hear the choirs
Is it the wind that brought back their cries?
Forged in blood by tragedy
Dark were the thorns of crimson death

By ages so dark we've been sculptured
as fragments of story and tales
By the place that we haunt we are captured - Against
eternity we can prevail

Hear the choirs
Is it the wind that brought back their cries?
Forged in blood by tragedy
Dark were the thorns of crimson death

To the dimwitted ones, Nodtveidt is trying to recall memories of soldiers that died a violent death in the impending wars that were raged by leaders and not soldiers. He serves this song as a tribute to their sufferings and to shed light on the motivations given to them (last verse).

if that isn't enough, here is Nodtveidt's tribute to the Hindu Goddess of destruction - Kali

Maha Kali, dark mother dance for me
Let the purity of your nakedness awaken me
Yours are the fires of deliverance which shall bring me bliss
Yours is the cruel sword which shall set my spirit free

Devourer of life and death who rule beyond time
In thy name I shall fullfil my destiny divine
Maha Kali, formless one, destroyer of illusion
Your songs forever sung, the tunes of dissolution

Kalika, black tongue of fire, embrace me
Make me one with your power for all eternity
Awaken within me the reflection of your flame
Kiss me with your bloody lips and drive me insane

Jai Kalika! Jai Kali!
Make me one with your power for all eternity
Maha Kali come to me

Smashana Kali, I burn myself for thee
I cut my own throat in obscene ecstasy
I make love to abominations, embrace pain and misery
Until my heart becomes the burning ground and Kali comes to me

O dark mother, hear me calling thee
Mahapralaya, bring to me
Through all illusions I shall see
I shall cremate this world and set my essence free

Jai Kalika! Jai Kali!
Without fear I will dance with death and misery
Maha Kali, come to me

"O Kali, thou art fond of cremation grounds
So I have turned my heart into one, that thou
may dance there unceasingly.
O mother, I have no other fond desire in my
heart. Fire of a funeral pyre is burning there."- this is quoted from the famous poet
Ramprasad (1718-75)

[Female voice:]
Jai Maha Kali, Jai Ma Kalika
Jai Maha Kali, Jai Ma Kalika
Kali Mata, namo nama
Kali Mata, namo nama

Jai Kalika! Jai Kali!
At your left hand for endless victory
Maha Kali, come to me

So a Swedish bloke writing a factually accurate song about a Hindu Goddess isn't quite interesting enough

well this is my favourite Iron Maiden song written by Steve Harris- entitled Hallowed be Thy name- (yes after the holiest prayer)

Hallowed be thy name by Steve Harris
Im waiting in my cold cell when the bell begins to chime
Reflecting on my past life and it doesnt have much time
Cos at 5 oclock they take me to the gallows pole
The sands of time for me are running low

When the priest comes to read me the last rites
I take a look through the bars at the last sights
Of a world that has gone very wrong for me

Can it be theres some sort of error
Hard to stop the surmounting terror
Is it really the end not some crazy dream

Somebody please tell me that Im dreaming
Its not so easy to stop from screaming
But words escape me when I try to speak
Tears they flow but why am I crying
After all I am not afraid of dying
Dont believe that there is never an end

As the guards march me out to the courtyard
Someone calls from a cell God be with you
If theres a God then why has he let me die?

As I walk all my life drifts before me
And though the end is near Im not sorry
Catch my soul cos its willing to fly away

Mark my words please believe my soul lives on
Please dont worry now that I have gone
Ive gone beyond to see the truth

When you know that your time is close at hand
Maybe then youll begin to understand
Life down there is just a strange illusion.

HINT - it is about a prisoner on death row-(if you're that dumb and can't tell by already reading the lyrics)

Even Marilyn Manson's got good lyrics
Carcass on the other hand has loads of lyrics that are medically inclined, so read up on them.

now that i have debunked this dumbass's claims, let me clear things up a lil.

Atheist = Si Ateis/Manusia Yang Tak Percaya Keujudan Illahi ( an atheist is one who doesnt believe in religion not God)
Autopsy = Pembedahan Keatas Si Mati ( HOW IS THIS BAD??? AN AUTOPSY ??SERIOUSLY DR Azly is a dumbass)
Carcass = Bangkai Binatang (Carcass is the remnants of a dead animal)
Death = Kematian (Right, and when someone like Akon writes a song about I wanna fuck you, thats art?? GOSH i live in a dumb world where stupidity is widespread)
Entombed = Di Batu-Nisan kan ( wtf? entombed...Mummies were entombed. after embalming- to preserve their looks. so is this bad??
Morbid Angel = Si Malaikat Jahanam (now this guy definitely didn't get an A1 for malay like i did- morbid does not mean Jahanam- morbid is something painfu)
Napalm Death = Kematian di sebabkan Bom Napalm (di gunakan di Perang Vietnam) (this band name was chosen to highlight their pleas. the lead singer barney is a vegetarian and an atheist cos he believes religions cause racial divide and war. he has a point you know)
Obituary = Notis Kematian di Akhbar (to inform others to mourn along wtih the family- which is a good thing but this guy is an idiot)
Possessed = Di Rasuk (finally one right)
Suffocation = Tercekik Lalu Mati Lemas (tercekik is strangulation)

U can suffocate while choking.

"The world of many of our dispossessed Malay youth is a world of metal made of black and dead souls. They must start listening to kronchong, ghazal, and the Indian ragas! They must start looking at the larger picture of oppression and dehumanisation. Or begin with New Age, Baroque, or Classical music for relaxation and the enhancement of the capacities of the cerebral cortex."

So this idiot rather us listen to crap from Mawi la?

and by his logic, Kurt Cobain took his own life, so he promotes death. so he is evil- although he probably has done more charity work than dr Azly will ever do in his lifetime.

See these people are artists and some of their gimmicks involve suicide, as to be legends, death is compulsory. Kurt was a Grunge legend and there will probably be no greater icon to grunge than him. but this is probably only because he died.

According to Dr Azly, because black metal is evil- hence it is the work of the devil.
so according to Sanjeet - Mawi is ugly and the devil is ugly- so mawi is the devil. makes sense rite? bull shit it does.

i mean seriously are you that dumb to believe taht?
no then why believe that black metal and death metal is bad.
i mean honestly, its freedom of expression la.

Some people like crappy music like hip hop and shit and i don't refute them.
Anthony has gone on a recent dance/trance crave and i personally think its a bullshit excuse to music but i dont imply my ways on him.

Ps: Metal rocks....

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