Nope Zalikha- thats a beer belly:)
Its been awhile since I put up a reasonable meaningful rambling apart from my usual requests for pendrives and lost ipods and also a diwali nite invitation. Lets just put that all aside
Castigat Ridendo Mores- latin for one who corrects customs by laughing at them-figuratively meaning someone who serves as a critic, a blunt one. Sometimes a nemesis, but very often an Anti-hero- sorta like Wolverine.
I have recently irked many individuals particularly the ones who are pseudo-backbenchers... yes the group that like to hang around near the back of the lecture theatre but freak out when they miss an alphabet that was spurted by a lecturer. There is one particular organism from this group that has the traits of a Mongoloid who keeps staring at the back not realizing that it is a general understanding that if you're at the back of the lecture, chances are you aren't really interested in paying attention and you'll zone out if the lecturer doesn't garner your interest.
Mastura (captain of the front row) for example sits in the front row as she feels it'll help her concentrate in class, and I applaud her for this and feel some mongoloids who do reach this website should understand that being a backbencher is not merely sitting at the back of the class.
its a conformity you agree to. Its a brotherhood. Its a way of life. Its an identity. A front bencher is one who wants to separate socializing from studying, and pay full attention.
A middle bencher is one who chooses to pay attention during important lectures and doze off in between boring lectures (they're in the middle to avoid detection as they're eclipsed by the Mastura-like terrestrials that occupy the front. The infamous Dundee group occupy this bunch and they are pretty cool in the sense that they don't make that much noise nor do they make a fuss when others are talking behind them. They're a good bunch as they conform to their midrange ways, ignoring the extremes (front vs back benchers)
Now here come the Pseudo-backbenchers. Those that sit behind, because its where the general rebels of the batch sit. yes, lets mingle with them as it'll increase our street rep. Now if anyone has any issue with this statement, prove me wrong:). i mean if you do wanna pay attention and require total silence, move to the middle or front benchers. WHY MUST YOU KEEP STARING AT THE BACKBENCHERS WITH THE HARD-ON KILLING (POTONG STEAM) FACE OF YOURS AND SNARL LIKE THE BEAST OF BALROG! Ah yes, provide me with an adequate understanding of your logic. Now if you have issues with us back benchers, feel free to MOVE IN FRONT. Guys like me have been veterans of the back bench since i was in primary 2. In primary 1 I sat in front as I was the monitor:).
Being a backbencher is someone that phases in and out of the lecture- hence providing his input whenever a question arises so the rest of the hall can share his thoughts. A backbencher is someone who wishes to indulge in personal discussions with fellow back benchers at the back and we pay due respect to the lecturer by sitting behind and not interrupting his lecture. some of us do bring coffee, tea and other foodstuff(cross reference- meehun, fried rice, pork ribs, Pau(s) and loads of other edible material to be engulfed during the lecture). We engage in smaller discussions and arguments as well as brainstorm and try to link our lectures as often as possible. Which is why we have the added ability of critical thinking. YES ITS A FOUL WORD TO THE PSEUDO's. It means having the ability to question and reason everything mentioned in the lecture. While you pseudo's are busy badmouthing me for talking at the back, the subconscious part of your brain is dying to be half as witty as I am. And so you come to my blog just to read what i wrote about you and then deny the fact that you're a pseudo to ease your fecal movements later in the evening:) tough luck.
Now my advice to the pseudo's (you know who you are)- you either shut the fuck up and sit down and bear with us talking without making fucked up retarded faces that resemble the arse of a branded mule, or you move to the front and write down every word uttered by the lecturer. its a free country, do as you wish. As long as you don't tread on me, I'm willing to close an eye and spare you from my list of people to fuck up.
another thing, I recently chose to be a badass and give someone a piece of my mind as i felt like it. Well with no offence intended he was an oriental. Nope i dont have anything against orientals as i am not a racist. well not like you guys anyway. I speak my mind and forget it:).
so yes, this oriental was speaking in the crudest most foul way in his loud voice spurting saliva and the bun he was chewing all over. And i decide to give him a taste of his own Shit. So yes, i confront him, and he says Don't Humiriate yourself (I KID YOU NOT). so i break into a laugh before correcting him and giving him a heads up that its a humerus not humelus (the bone that connects your shoulder to your forearm). He turns around- admitting defeat of course as he does not have his usual group to back him up, and says something in crude Cantonese and walks off.
Ah yes, personal satisfaction, insulting someone in a language they don't understand. I just wish i could sink to a new low like that. I mean it would be amazing if I could like insult everyone in Punjabi if i were losing a battle of wits. Haih... God was cruel. He gave me a working cerebral cortex. DUDE- what i dont know won't hurt me.. It only gives me a reason to blog about you and fuck you up even more:). i mean if you aren't witty with your comebacks, don't engage in a battle of wits. You don't see me challenging Kelvin to a GuitarHero Playoff, or Chong Bing to a Chopstick Rice Eating competition, or even Lenster to a 6 PACK pose down.. You dont mess with Sanjeet and his gab. Cause he'll make you just walk away with your cremastric reflex intact as your balls shrink in a shiver so cold your spine quivers.
And to the one leaving for Singapore. The prayer for my loneliness, and the cinnamon in my cake, I hope you have a safe journey. It was ironic we met today, and yet just holding your hands and staring into your eyes said the world to me. Anthony remarked about the emotions that ran thru me. I guess somethings are better poured out and not kept in within. You shall be adored from afar, and missed deep inside :)
1 comment:
eh sanjeet... will u do us a favor and write 5 paragraphs on diwali night for convo mag?
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